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DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-44462
Optimizing the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Anticoagulant Therapy: High-Quality Dose Management, Anticoagulation Clinics, and Patient Self-Management
21. November 2003 (online)

Despite its widespread use, oral anticoagulation therapy suffers from a number of problems that lead to underuse and inadequate treatment. Problems include its narrow therapeutic index, the influence of many concomitant conditions or comorbidities, and the need for high-quality dose management. Poor management of oral anticoagulation is a prime factor influencing the occurrence of adverse events. As a result of these problems, special programs or anticoagulation management services (AMSs) have developed to manage oral anticoagulation. Such programs have demonstrated a significant improvement in outcomes compared with traditional or usual care (UC) by individual physicians. With the introduction of point-of-care prothrombin time monitors, the potential for patient self-testing and self-management has developed. Studies show the possibility of even further improvement in outcomes compared with UC, although the differences from those achieved with an AMS are less impressive.
Oral anticoagulation - warfarin - prothrombin time - International Normalized Ratio - adverse events - point-of-care monitoring
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