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DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-44720
Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
Pattern of Flower and Fruit Production in Stryphnodendron adstringens, an Andromonoecious Legume Tree of Central Brazil
Publication History
Publication Date:
02 February 2004 (online)
Patterns of flower and fruit production in racemes of Stryphnodendron adstringens, an andromonoecious Brazilian savanna tree species, were studied in two natural areas near Uberlândia-MG. Racemes were divided in three parts: apex, centre, and base. Number of flowers, gender, and nectar and pollen production were analyzed for each section. Frequency of visitors to each part of the inflorescence was also quantified. Hand self- and cross-pollinations were performed in complete racemes and fruit set used to determine breeding system. The racemes produced a mean of 329 flowers, more densely packed in the central portion. Hermaphrodite and male flowers occur along the inflorescence but hermaphrodite flowers are more common in the centre. Fruit set was markedly low but does not seem to be limited by pollination service, since free open-pollinated racemes and hand cross-pollinated ones do not differ in fruit production rates. Fruits resulted mostly from cross-pollinated flowers and fruit production was biased to the central portion of the raceme. Nectar yield was higher in the central portion of the raceme and visitors arrived more commonly on this portion of the inflorescence. However, most flowers did not produce nectar. The pattern of fruit production seems to be a consequence of the hermaphrodite flower distribution in the raceme and it is not constrained by pollen flow or flower opening sequence.
Key words
Mimosoideae - andromonoecy - flowering pattern - fruiting pattern - savanna.
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P. L. Ortiz
Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología
Universidad de Sevilla
Apdo. 1095
41080 Sevilla
Section Editor: H. Rennenberg