Int J Sports Med 2005; 26(2): 122-127
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-817857
Training & Testing

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Relationships between Left Ventricular Morphology, Diastolic Function and Oxygen Carrying Capacity and Maximal Oxygen Uptake in Children

P. Obert1 , S. Mandigout2 , A. Vinet1 , S. Nottin1 , L. D. N'Guyen2 , A. M. Lecoq2
  • 1Laboratoire de Physiologie des Adaptations Cardiovasculaires à l'Exercice, Faculté des Sciences, Département STAPS, Avignon, France
  • 2Laboratoire de la Performance Motrice, Faculté du Sport et de l'Education Physique, Université d'Orléans La Source, Orléans, France
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Accepted after revision: January 12, 2004

30. Juli 2004 (online)


Little attention has been paid to children with respect to factors controlling maximal oxygen uptake (V·O2max). This study was therefore specifically designed to examine the potential relationships between cardiac size, diastolic function and O2 carrying capacity with maximal aerobic capacity. Specifically, body size indices (body surface area, lean body mass), resting left ventricular dimensions and filling characteristics, blood haemoglobin concentration as well as V·O2max established during a maximal cycle exercise test were assessed in a large cohort (n = 142) of healthy 10 - 11 year old boys and girls. Results were compared between groups of low (< 50, L), moderate (50 - 60, M) and high (> 60, H) V·O2max (ml · min-1 · kg-1 of lean body mass). Moreover, potential contributors to V·O2max variance were investigated using univariate and multivariate regression analyses over the overall population. The major results show no differences between the 3 groups for all diastolic and systolic function indices as well as blood haemoglobin and systemic vascular resistances (used as an index of afterload). None of these variables emerged from regression analyses as potential predictors of V·O2max. After accounting for body size variation, heart dimensions, and especially left ventricular internal dimensions, differed between H and M and L and were associated with higher cardiac filling and subsequently stroke volume. Strong relationships between V·O2max and heart dimensions were noticed, due primarily but not exclusively to the influence of body size. After adjusting for lean body mass, end-diastolic diameter contributed modestly (8 %) but significantly to V·O2max variance, which is biologically meaningful.


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Prof. P. Obert

Laboratoire de Physiologie des Adaptations Cardiovasculaires à l'Exercice · Faculté des Sciences · Département STAPS

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