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DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-819949
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
Measurements of Cardiac Output During Constant Exercises: Comparison of Two Non-Invasive Techniques
Accepted after revision: June 10, 2003
26. Februar 2004 (online)

We compared cardiac output (CO) determined simultaneously by electrical impedance cardiography method (COICG) and by the CO2 rebreathing technique (CO2REB) during three different steady-state exercises (target heart rate of 120, 140, and 160 min-1) in 8 healthy fit young men. The mean difference correlation coefficient obtained between the values of COICG and CO2REB was 0.85 and the mean difference (COICG-CO2REB) was 0.06 l/min (0.12 %). At 120 min-1, COICG was lower than CO2REB but the tendency was reversed at 140 and 160 min-1 where COICG was higher than CO2REB. This evolution may be explained by the difficultly of using CO2 rebreathing technique at the highest steady-state exercises and by the progressive acidemia due to exercise. The present results suggest that electrical impedance cardiography method provides acceptable evaluation of CO and may favourably replace the CO2 rebreathing technique during mild (or moderate) to high steady-state exercises.
Key words
Impedance cardiography - CO2 rebreathing technique - indirect Fick principle - steady state exercise
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