Plant Biol (Stuttg) 2004; 6(3): 307-318
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-820874
Original Paper

Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart KG · New York

Development of Leaf Photosynthetic Parameters in Betula pendula Roth Leaves: Correlations with Photosystem I Density

H. Eichelmann1 , V. Oja1 , B. Rasulov1 , E. Padu1 , I. Bichele1 , H. Pettai1 , Ü. Niinemets1 , A. Laisk1
  • 1Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
14 May 2004 (online)


The global modelling of photosynthesis is based on exact knowledge of the leaf photosynthetic machinery. The capacities of partial reactions of leaf photosynthesis develop at different rates, but it is not clear how the development of photoreactions and the Calvin cycle are co-ordinated. We investigated the development of foliar photosynthesis in the temperate deciduous tree Betula pendula Roth. using a unique integrated optical/gas exchange methodology that allows simultaneous estimation of photosystem I and II (PS I and PS II) densities per leaf area, interphotosystem electron transport activities, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) kinetic properties. We combined these measurements with in vitro determinations of Rubisco, soluble protein and chlorophyll contents. We observed a strong increase in leaf photosynthetic capacity in developing leaves per leaf area, as well as per dry mass, that was paralleled by accumulation of leaf Rubisco. Enhanced mesophyll conductance was the outcome of increased carboxylation capacity and increased CO2 diffusion conductance. However, Rubisco was only partly activated in the leaves, according to in vivo measurements of Rubisco kinetics. The amount of active Rubisco increased in proportion with development of PS I, probably through a direct link between Rubisco activase and PS I electron transport. Since the kinetics for post-illumination P700 re-reduction did not change, the synthesis of cytochrome b6f complex was also proportional to PS I. The synthesis of PS II began later and continued for several days after reaching the full PS I activity, but leaf chlorophyll was shared equally between the photosystems. Due to this, the antenna of PS II was very large and not optimally organized, leading to greater losses of excitation and lower quantum yields in young leaves. We conclude that co-ordinated development of leaf photosynthesis is regulated at the level of PS I with subordinated changes in PS II content and Rubisco activation.


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A. Laisk

Department of Plant Physiology
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of Tartu

Riia 23

Tartu 51010



Guest Editor: F. Loreto