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DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-821303
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Treatment of Muscle Injuries by Local Administration of Autologous Conditioned Serum: Animal Experiments Using a Muscle Contusion Model
28. September 2004 (online)

Muscle contusions represent a major part of sports injuries. The suggested treatments are generally sufficient to support muscle healing, but require a relatively long period of time. Given that autologous blood products are safe treatments, we have used a technique which stimulates the release of certain growth factors in the autologous conditioned serum (ACS). Those growth factors are known to improve the proliferative activity of myogenic precursor cells. Mice were subjected to an experimental contusion injury to their gastrocnemius muscle; one group received local injections of ACS at 2 hrs, 24 hrs, and 48 hrs after injury, a control group received saline injections. The histology results showed that satellite cell activation at 30/48 hrs post injury was accelerated and the diameter of the regenerating myofibers was increased compared to the controls within the first week after injury. ELISA results on the ACS have shown that the elevations in FGF-2 (460 %) and TGF-β1 (82 %) could be partly responsible for the accelerating effects on regeneration due to proliferative and chemotactic properties. We conclude that ACS injection is a promising approach to reduce the time of recovery from muscle injury. In terms of clinical targets, this new approach could be used in the treatment of sports injuries and may also be interesting in postoperative situations.
Key words
Growth factors - muscle injury - regeneration - satellite cell
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L. M. Mir
Laboratory of Vectorology and Gene Transfer, UMR 8121 CNRS - Institut Gustave Roussy
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