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DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-824842
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
Schwangerschaft bei Eisenmenger-Patientinnen
Erfahrungen aus Vilnius 1967 - 2003Pregnancy in patients with Eisenmenger’s syndromePublikationsverlauf
eingereicht: 3.12.2003
akzeptiert: 1.4.2004
10. Mai 2004 (online)
Pregnancy in patients with Eisenmenger}s syndrome is associated with high maternal and fetal mortality rates and effective contraception or termination of pregnancy is strongly recommended. When these patients decide to begin or continue a pregnancy against advice a coordinated multi-specialist care at a center for congenital heart disease is mandatory. So far, experience with this demanding group of patients is limited.
This report reviews the outcome of 30 pregnancies in 10 patients from a group of 35 women with Eisenmenger}s syndrome who have been treated at the University Hospital in Vilnius, Lithuania, between 1967 and 2003. The most frequent underlying lesion was a ventricular septal defect in 5 patients, their mean age was 26,2 ± 5,4 years and they were in functional class II or III (9/1) at the beginning of the pregnancy. In this group 13 pregnancies were terminated (43 %), 4 spontaneous abortions (13 %) occurred at less than 21 weeks of pregnancy and one stillbirth at 23 weeks of gestation. Twelve children were born alive, 10 were premature and 2 term deliveries. One maternal death occurred on the third day following an emergency delivery in week 36 and another patient decompensated immediately following delivery, but could be stabilized with intensive care therapy. During long-term follow-up all of these 9 patients were alive at 10/2003 despite a significant deterioration in functional class. These data are comparable to previously published observations in pregnant women with Eisenmenger}s syndrome.
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Priv.-Doz. Alicija Dranenkiene
Head of the Outpatient-Clinic for Cardiovascular Surgery, Vilnius University, Hospital Santariskiu Clinics
Santariskiu st. 2
2021 Vilnius, Lithuania