Z Gastroenterol 2004; 42 - 84
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-826985

Celiac disease and adverse reactions to food

G Lippai 1, K Dékány 1, B Szentkereszty 1, I Mármarosi 1, L Schandl 1
  • 11st Dept. Internal Medcine, Central Military Hospital, Budapest

Theoretical background: In celiac disease the tight junction of the bowel mucosa cells is opened which favors the penetration of food particulars into the mucosa.

Our aim was to reveal any connections between

celiac disease and adverse reactions to food by serological tests. Materials and methods: In this study were 21 patients involved, who underwent upper endoscopy during the last five years. All of them had partial or total mucosal atrophy as it has been confirmed by histology. The antigliadin /IgA, IgG/ antibodies, EMA, total IgA, IgG, IgM as well as nutritive and inhalative allergen specific IgG, IgE levels were determined.

Results: In 15/21 cases celiac disease was verified by the serological tests. Three of 21 patients have Crohn disease as judged by histology of colic or ileac mucosa. 14/15 patients were antigliadin, 12/15 were EMA positive at the beginning of the disease. We found 12/15 patients having IgG mediated adverse reactions to food in celiac disease, but none of them proved to be allergic to those kinds of food. IgE levels were in the normal range.

Conclusions: 1. Based on our data we concluded that both EMA and antigliadin antibody determinations are essential in evidencing the celiac disease. 2. Furthermore we verified a connection between celiac disease and adverse reaction to food attributable to increase permeability of mucosa; although no allergic reactions were detectable. 3. Our results is similar to scientific data.