Pharmacopsychiatry 2005; 38(3): 107-112
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-864119
Original Paper
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Pharmacophilia and Pharmacophobia: Determinants of Patients’ Attitudes towards Antipsychotic Medication

I. Sibitz1 , H. Katschnig1 , 2 , R. Goessler2 , A. Unger1 , M. Amering1
  • 1Department of Psychiatry, Medical University of Vienna
  • 2Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Social Psychiatry, Vienna
Further Information

Publication History

Received: 10.4.2004 Revised: 26.7.2004

Accepted: 2.9.2004

Publication Date:
18 May 2005 (online)

Objective: To identify factors that influence attitudes towards psychopharmacological treatment in patients suffering from schizophrenia and schizoaffective psychoses. Methods: Ninety-two participants in an outpatient psychoeducational program, classed as ”pharmacophobic” or ”pharmacophilic” according to the Drug Attitude Inventory scale, were compared with regard to sociodemographic variables, clinical characteristics, subjective deficit syndrome, illness concepts, knowledge, locus of control, and quality of life. Results: The 59 pharmacophilic and the 33 pharmacophobic patients did not differ significantly with regard to most sociodemographic variables, symptoms, or classic personality traits such as locus of control, self-concept, and quality of life. The only differences concerned hospitalization history (P < 0.05) and statements on the actual, subjective experience of desired and undesired effects of medication (P < 0.01). Conclusions: The impact of subjective experiences with drug treatment on attitudes towards medication and compliance needs to be a main focus of interventions targeting attitudes towards pharmacological treatment.


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Ingrid Sibitz, M.D.

Department of Psychiatry

Medical University of Vienna

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