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DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-865624
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Effects of Prior Exercise on Force-Velocity Test Performance and Quadriceps EMG
Publication History
Accepted after revision: March 7, 2005
Publication Date:
25 July 2005 (online)

This study investigated the effects of prior exercise on performance during a subsequent force-velocity (FV) exercise test. After determination of the individual maximal aerobic power (MAP) during maximal graded exercise testing, fifteen trained male subjects (age: 25 ± 3 y) were randomly assigned to perform the FV exercise test without prior exercise (NPE) or preceded by prior exercise (PE) (10 min at 60 % of MAP, followed after 1-min rest interval by four intervals of 30-s cycling at 100 % MAP with 15-s rest intervals, then 10 min recovery). Blood samples were drawn at rest, and then for each work load at the 3rd minute of recovery. Skin temperature (Tsk) from the rectus femoris and heart rate (HR) were measured continuously during prior exercise, the FV test, and during the 5-min recovery period at the end of each FV test. The Root Mean Square (RMS) of the surface electromyogram (EMG) signals obtained from the vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), and rectus femoris (RF) were calculated during each sprint for each FV test. The lactate increase for each load (ΔLa) during the FV test was significantly less following PE than NPE. However, the lactate concentration (La) was significantly higher in the FV test following PE than NPE. There was an improvement in power output during the first two sprints (2 and 4 kg) following PE compared to NPE. There was also a more pronounced decrease in VL, VM, and RF RMS in PE compared to NPE. Our results showed that the first few sprints may provide sufficient prior exercise for the FV test. The higher lactate concentration following PE than NPE, despite no difference in maximum power, suggests that a large lactate accumulation may not be detrimental to FV test performance. However, a greater lactate concentration and Tsk may be associated with a decrease in RMS.
Key words
Force velocity - warm-up - blood lactate - power output - EMG
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S. Ahmaïdi
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