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DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-865832
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Letter to the Editors
Re: Heinicke K, Heinicke I, Schmidt W, Wolfarth B. A Three-Week Traditional Altitude Training Increases Hemoglobin Mass and Red Cell Volume in Elite Biathlon Athletes. Int J Sports Med 2005; 26: 350 - 355Publikationsverlauf
22. Juli 2005 (online)

Dear Editors,
We read with interest the altitude training study of Heinicke et al. with 10 world-class biathletes. We were very surprised by their finding that 19 days at 2050 m was sufficient to increase haemoglobin mass (Hbmass) by 9.3 % (14.0 ± 0.2 to 15.3 ± 1.0 g/kg). Effects of this magnitude cannot be accepted without scrutiny. Although there is no doubt about elevated Hbmass of lifelong residents [[7]] of moderate altitude (2600 - 3550 m), including athletes [[15]], the influence of 3 - 4 weeks at 2100 - 2500 m is more controversial [[6]], particularly since this level of altitude is around the threshold required to stimulate a sustained 24-hour increase in EPO in most people [[3]].
It would have been useful if Heinicke had measured both V·O2max and performance, such as a 10-km ski leg, to corroborate the apparent increase in Hbmass. Saltin [[13]], we [[6]], and Rusko et al. [[12]] have each reviewed the extensive literature associated with conventional altitude training, now commonly called living high and training high (LHTH). Independently, all three reviews concluded that controlled studies provide no convincing evidence that LHTH increases V·O2max or performance at sea level. Unfortunately, a control group was not included in the study of Heinicke. Consequently, the effects of intensive training cannot be separated from the effects of altitude; and Sawka et al. [[14]] after reviewing multiple training studies estimated a ∼ 10 % increase in red cell volume after 2 - 3 weeks of training, albeit in previously untrained groups. On the other hand, Berglund [[1]] has estimated that the true rate of increase in haemoglobin is ∼ 1 %/week for athletes training at moderate altitude. A group mean increase of 9 % among athletes is quite extraordinary in 19 days.
The five-fold increase in the SD of the group Hbmass from day-1 to day-20 at altitude implies substantial individual variation; that some athletes may have “changed” by ∼ 0 % and some by + 20 %. Individual changes as large as 20 % would be extreme. In this context it is relevant to consider that the most common source of error with the CO rebreathing method for estimating Hbmass is leakage of air around the mouthpiece or noseclip. A leak substantially increases, and never decreases, the measured Hbmass. Moreover larger doses of CO ameliorate the magnitude of error [[2]], but the dose used by Heinicke (60 ml at 2000 m) is equivalent to ∼ 50 ml at sea level and prone to more error for subjects with a larger Hbmass [[2]].
Although Heinicke et al. measured soluble transferrin concentration (sTfr), which is arguably a primary indicator of accelerated red cell production [[5], [9]], their results are inconsistent, with an increase in sTfr of the men but not the women at day-10 and day-20 at altitude, despite a similar percentage increase in Hbmass for both sexes.
If the reported increase in Hbmass was not induced by training or influenced by one or two extreme instances of measurement error, a question must be raised as to whether the researchers can exclude the use of pharmacological blood boosting modalities by the athletes while at altitude. Concurrent use of altitude and recombinant human erythropoietin (r-HuEPO), or darbepoietin (Aranaesp®), or blood infusion would each increase Hbmass [[11]] and performance [[4]]. A urine test for r-HuEPO has only been available since 2000 [[10]] and more than 40 positive results have been reported in the media. These ranged from a 43-year-old Masters distance runner in the USA to a 16-year-old South African cyclist, a participant in the Bomax Junior Cycle Tour. The preponderance of positive results that we have located were for cyclists. None were for biathletes, but in the allied sport of cross-country skiing seven individuals have been sanctioned for EPO use and three for darbepoietin.
We respectfully suggest, that future studies of LHTH should use a matched control group and include assessment of V·O2max and performance to corroborate any increase in Hbmass, given the close association between these variables [[8]]. Duplicate baseline measures instead of single pre-intervention measures would also instil greater confidence in any observed changes. However, critically lacking in the literature is a systematic examination of the time course of Hbmass with exercise training in elite athletes. Such data would help separate the changes that occur with training from those that might occur at altitude.
- 15 Berglund B. High-altitude training. Aspects of haematological adaption. Sports Med. 1992; 14 289-303
- 1 Burge C M, Skinner S L. Determination of hemoglobin mass and blood volume with CO: evaluation and application of a method. J Appl Physiol. 1995; 79 623-631
- 2 Ge R L, Witkowski S, Zhang Y, Alfrey C, Sivieri M, Karlsen T, Resaland G K, Harber M, Stray-Gundersen J, Levine B D. Determinants of erythropoietin release in response to short-term hypobaric hypoxia. J Appl Physiol. 2002; 92 2361-2367
- 3 Gledhill N, Warburton D, Jamnik V. Haemoglobin, blood volume, cardiac function, and aerobic power. Can J Appl Physiol. 1999; 24 54-65
- 4 Gore C J, Parisotto R, Ashenden M J, Stray-Gundersen J, Sharpe K, Hopkins W, Emslie K R, Howe C, Trout G J, Kazlauskas R, Hahn A G. Second-generation blood tests to detect erythropoietin abuse by athletes. Haematologica. 2003; 88 333-344
- 5 Hahn A G, Gore C J. The effect of altitude on cycling performance: a challenge to traditional concepts. Sports Med. 2001; 31 533-557
- 6 Heinicke K, Prommer N, Cajigal J, Viola T, Behn C, Schmidt W. Long-term exposure to intermittent hypoxia results in increased hemoglobin mass, reduced plasma volume, and elevated erythropoietin plasma levels in man. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2003; 88 535-543
- 7 Heinicke K, Wolfarth B, Winchenbach P, Biermann B, Schmid A, Huber G, Friedmann B, Schmidt W. Blood volume and hemoglobin mass in elite athletes of different disciplines. Int J Sports Med. 2001; 22 504-512
- 8 Huebers H A, Beguin Y, Pootrakul P, Einspahr D, Finch C A. Intact transferrin receptors in human plasma and their relation to erythropoiesis. Blood. 1990; 75 102-107
- 9 Lasne F, de Ceaurriz J. Recombinant erythropoietin in urine. Nature. 2000; 405 635
- 10 Parisotto R, Wu M, Ashenden M J, Emslie K R, Gore C J, Howe C, Kazlauskas R, Sharpe K, Trout G J, Xie M. Detection of recombinant human erythropoietin abuse in athletes utilizing markers of altered erythropoiesis. Haematologica. 2001; 86 128-137
- 11 Rusko H K, Tikkanen H O, Peltonen J E. Altitude and endurance training. J Sports Sci. 2004; 22 928-944
- 12 Saltin B. Exercise and the environment: Focus on altitude. Res Q Exerc Sport. 1996; 67 S1-S10
- 13 Sawka M N, Convertino V A, Eichner E R, Schnieder S M, Young A J. Blood volume: importance and adaptations to exercise training, environmental stresses, and trauma/sickness. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2000; 32 332-348
- 14 Schmidt W, Heinicke K, Rojas J, Manuel G J, Serrato M, Mora M, Wolfarth B, Schmid A, Keul J. Blood volume and hemoglobin mass in endurance athletes from moderate altitude. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002; 34 1934-1940
C. J. Gore
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