While Diamond is an outstanding medicine for depression and suicidal propensities, as we would expect from this substance which can take such a brilliant polish, it has many facets. One of these is its ability to entrain a smooth and peaceful experience of death. The following case is about the death of the physical body and there it is a staunch companion and loving friend. However, the real secret in diamond is its ability to enable death of the ego itself. When inhabiting a human body it is common to identify yourself as that body. This impermanent sense of self is what is dissolved by taking the Diamond immersion …
Adamas - Aloneness - Darkness - Death - Depression - Diamond immersion - Disaster - Ego death - Failure - Fractured - Hole - falls into a - Imagery: - Tunnel - Loss of child - Non-expression - Perfectionism - Shame - Shock - Suicide - Torture - Will - indomitable.