Horm Metab Res 2005; 37(10): 646-652
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-870530
Original Clinical
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Increased Plasma Ghrelin Levels in Chronic Renal Failure are not Associated with Hemodynamic Parameters

N.  Tentolouris1 , K.  Makrilakis1 , D.  Doulgerakis1 , I.  Moyssakis2 , A.  Kokkinos1 , D.  Kyriaki1 , C.  Georgoulias3 , C.  Stathakis3 , N.  Katsilambros1
  • 1First Department of Propedeutic Medicine, Athens University Medical School, Laiko General Hospital, Athens, Greece
  • 2Cardiology Department, Laiko General Hospital, Athens, Greece
  • 3Nephrology Department, Laiko General Hospital, Athens, Greece
Further Information

Publication History

Received 29 November 2004

Accepted after revision 14 June 2005

Publication Date:
08 November 2005 (online)


Background/Aims: Hardly anything is known about the effect of renal function on plasma ghrelin levels. Ghrelin is an orexigenic hormone with important hemodynamic effects. We examined differences in plasma ghrelin levels between chronic renal failure (CRF) patients and healthy subjects, and ghrelin’s relationship with indices of left ventricular (LV) function. Methods: Fasting total plasma ghrelin levels were measured in 122 CRF patients (57 on, 65 not on hemodialysis) and 57 control subjects. Indices of LV function were evaluated using echocardiography. Results: Total plasma ghrelin levels were higher in patients with CRF compared to controls, but were not different between patients on and those not on hemodialysis. In a multivariate linear regression model, presence of kidney dysfunction explained 41 % of the variability of ghrelin values. The etiology of renal failure (diabetic nephropathy or not) had no influence on ghrelin levels in the renal patients. Ghrelin levels were not associated with indices of LV systolic function or blood pressure in these patients. Conclusion: Fasting plasma ghrelin concentrations are higher in CRF patients regardless of their need for hemodialysis compared to controls. The etiology of renal failure does not have any effect on plasma ghrelin levels. In addition, ghrelin levels are not associated with hemodynamic parameters in patients with CRF.


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Konstantinos Makrilakis, M. D., MPH, Ph. D.

Internal Medicine

Athens University Medical School · Laiko General Hospital · 17 Ag. Thoma St. · 11527 Athens · Greece

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