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DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-870892
Functional Anorectal Disorders
Publication History
Publication Date:
24 May 2005 (online)
Functional anorectal disorders include solitary rectal ulcer syndrome, rectocele, nonrelaxing puborectalis syndrome, and descending perineal syndrome. Patients usually present with “constipation,” but the clinical picture of these disorders includes rectal pain and bleeding, digitalization, incomplete evacuation, and a feeling of obstruction. Diagnosis is difficult because many findings can be seen in normal patients as well. The diagnosis is made by using a combination of clinical picture, defecography, pathology, and occasionally anometry and pudendal terminal motor nerve latency. These disorders are generally treated medically with dietary changes and biofeedback. Surgical intervention is reserved for patients with intractable symptoms and has not been universally successful.
Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome - rectocele - nonrelaxing puborectalis syndrome - functional anorectal disorders
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Craig A ReickertM.D.
Division of Colon & Rectal Surgery, Henry Ford Hospital, K-7, 2799 W
Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202