Digital wireless telephones produce audible and often annoying interference in hearing aids. A standard, ANSI C.63.19, has been developed for measuring electromagnetic emissions from wireless telephone handsets as well as immunity in hearing aids. Based on the test results for a handset and a hearing aid, an estimated prediction of usability for that combination of devices can be made. One question that arose during the development of the standard was the acoustic signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) requirements for various levels of telephone usability as rated by hearing aid wearers. An experiment was conducted in which 42 hearing aid wearers listened to a telephone conversation through a dummy wireless phone while interference levels were varied using a second phone programmed to deliver a controlled electromagnetic field. Real-ear recordings of the speech with interference were made at each rating point of usability. Signal analyses of the recordings indicate that for 90% of the subjects, SIRs in the 28- to 32-dB range were needed to achieve a rating of Highly Usable, SIRs in the 20- to 24-dB range were needed for a rating of Minor Limitations on Use, and SIRs in the 12- to 15-dB range were needed for a rating of Major Limitations on Use.
Electromagnetic interference - digital wireless telephones - hearing aids - usability ratings - speech-to-interference ratio
2 It is likely that the revised standard will use slightly different symbols than those cited.
1 European Hearing Instruments Manufacturers Association .GSM Project Final Report: Hearing Aids and GSM Mobile Telephones: Interference Problems, Methods of Measurement and Levels of Immunity. Technical-Audiological Laboratory and Telecom Denmark. Wemmel, Belgium: EHIMA 1995
2 Le Strange J R, Byrne D, Joyner K H, Symons G L. Interference to Hearing Aids by the Digital Mobile Telephone System, Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). NAL Report No. 131. Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia: National Acoustic Laboratories, Australian Hearing Services 1995
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Hearing aid electromagnetic interference from digital wireless phones.
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4 Ravindran A, Schlegel R E, Grant H. Evaluation of the Interaction between Wireless Phones and Hearing Aids, Phase I: Results of the Clinical Trials. EMC Report 1996-2. Norman, OK: Center for the Study of Wireless Electromagnetic Compatibility, University of Oklahoma 1996
5 Schlegel R E, Fry T L, Grant H. Investigation of the Interaction between Wireless Phones and Hearing Aids, Phase III-B: Subjective Validation Study. EMC Report 1999. Norman, OK: Center for the Study of Wireless Electromagnetic Compatibility, University of Oklahoma 1999
6 Srinivasan S, Schlegel R E, Grant H. Evaluation of the Interaction between Wireless Phones and Hearing Aids, Phase II-B: Clinical Determination of the Speech-to-Interference Ratio. EMC Report 1997-2. Norman, OK: Center for the Study of Wireless Electromagnetic Compatibility, University of Oklahoma 1998
Levitt H, Harkins J, Singer B, Yeung E.
Field measurements of electromagnetic interference in hearing aids.
J Am Acad Audiol.
8 American National Standards Institute .American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Compatibility between Wireless Communications Devices and Hearing Aids (ANSI/IEEE C63.19-2001). New York, NY; ANSI 2001
Berger S.
Hearing aid and cellular telephone compatibility: working toward solutions.
J Am Acad Audiol.
10 Federal Communications Commission .Report and Order in the Matter of Section 68.4(a) of the Commission’s Rules Governing Hearing Aid-Compatible Telephones WT Docket No. 01-309, RM-8658; August 2003
11 Burwood E. Assessment of Interference to Hearing Aids Used in Australia by CDMA Digital Mobile Phones, NAL Report-Phase 1, Reference EB831. Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia: National Acoustic Laboratories, Australian Hearing Services 1999
Killion M.
Digital Cellphone Progress Report. Paper presented at: Hearing Industry Association Annual Meeting; February 24, 2000; Palm Springs, CA. Cited by Preves D. Hearing aids and digital wireless telephones.
Semin Hear.
Harry LevittPh.D.
Advanced Hearing Concepts, Director of Research
998 Sea Eagle Loop, P.O. Box 1166, Bodega Bay, CA 94923-1166
Email: harrylevitt@earthlink.net