Semin Thromb Hemost 2005; 31(3): 281-283
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-872432
Copyright © 2005 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

Blood Rheology and Risk of Thromboembolism in Adult and Climacteric Women

Shigenori Suzuki1 , Yoshio Hayashi2 , Kazuhiko Matsuno3 , Takanori Moriyama3 , Gaku Suzuki4
  • 1Professor, School of Human Services, Hokkaido Asai-Gakuen University, Ebetsu-City, Hokkaido; present affiliation: School of Human Services, Asai-Gakuen University, Bunkyodai, Japan
  • 2Hayashi Womens Clinic, Sapporo
  • 3College of Medical Technology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • 4Sapporo Social Insurance Hospital, Sapporo, Japan
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28. Juli 2005 (online)


Increased age is associated with an increased thrombosing tendency, especially deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. We investigated blood flow in women of various age groups and found that blood flow decreases with advancing age. Because decreased blood flow can lead to platelet and leukocyte activation, it could be related to the pathogenesis of venous thromboembolism with age.


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Shigenori SuzukiM.D. Ph.D. 

School of Human Services, Asai-Gakuen University

Ebetsu-City, Bunkyodai 23, 069-8511
