Homœopathic Links 2005; 18(4): 218-219
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-872935

© Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Clarity and Intoxication: The Proving of Amethyst

Barbara Seideneck1
  • 1USA
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03. Januar 2006 (online)


Five different groups of students of the Homeopathy School of Colorado proved this remedy over a period of five years. A strong resemblance to the substance was evident in dreams of caves, crowded rooms, levels of high and low, up and down and openings with light. Mental themes relating to the substance include extreme clarity, a feeling of being drunk, and excessive mental energy. The list of physical symptoms is substantial; the proving showed Amethyst's strong affinity for head pains, female symptoms and nerve involvement of the extremities.


  • 1 Elsbeth M. Crystal Medicine. St Paul, MN; Llewellyn Publications 1997
  • 2 Graf B. Gems, The World's Greatest Treasures and their Stories. Munich, London; Prestel 2001
  • 3 Grienger M. Crystal Power, Crystal Healing: The Complete Handbook. London; Blandford 1998
  • 4 Gubelin E, Erni F-X. Gemstones, Symbols of Beauty and Power. Tucson, AZ; Geoscience Press 2000
  • 5 Isaacs T. Gemstones, Crystals and Healing. Black Mountain, NC; Lorien Housem 1982
  • 6 Jones W, Jones B. The Magic of Crystals. New York; Harper Collins Publishers 1996
  • 7 Lilly S. Crystal Healing: Using the Power of Crystals for Health and Harmony. London; Southwater 2001
  • 8 Quick L. The Book of Agates and Other Quartz Gems. Philadelphia, PA; Chilton Books 1963
  • 9 Sofianides A S, Harlow G E. Gems & Crystals from the American Museum of Natural History. New York; Simon and Schuster 1990
  • 10 Stein D. The Women's Book of Healing. St. Paul, MN; Llewellyn Publications 1993
  • 12 Whitmont E C. Return of the Goddess. New York; Crossroads Publishing Company 1982

CHom, CCH, RSHom Barbara Seideneck

Homeopathy School of Colorado

POB 20 340

Boulder, CO 80308


eMail: Barbara@homeopathyschool.org