Pharmacopsychiatry 2005; 38(5): 222-223
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-873158
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Scheme-Based Benzodiazepine Detoxification with Oxcarbazepine

A Case ReportB. Croissant1 , M. Grosshans1 , O. Klein1 , A. Diehl1 , K. Mann1
  • 1Department of Addictive Behavior and Addiction Medicine, Central Institute of Mental Health, University of Heidelberg, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
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Received: 20.12.2004 Revised: 11.4.2005

Accepted: 6.6.2005

27. September 2005 (online)

We attempted to evaluate the tolerability and efficacy of the antiepileptic drug oxcarbazepine in benzodiazepine detoxification, by observing several cases. Detoxification followed a predefined dosage scheme. All patients detoxified with oxcarbazepine completed the withdrawal successfully, without withdrawal symptoms. The administration of oxcarbazepine according to the scheme proved to be tolerable. The dosage was sufficient. Though uncontrolled case observations must be interpreted with caution, oxcarbazepine appears to be a promising drug in inpatient benzodiazepine withdrawal. It should be examined in further randomized placebo-controlled studies including long-term follow-ups.


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Prof. Dr. Karl Mann, MD

Department of Addictive Behavior and Addiction Medicine

Central Institute of Mental Health

University of Heidelberg J 5

68159 Mannheim


Telefon: +49 621 1703 3501

Fax: +49 621 1703 3505
