Planta Med 2006; 72(4): 370-372
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-916214
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Novel Bioactive Dammarane Caffeoyl Esters from Celastrus rosthornianus

Kui-wu Wang1 , Cui-rong Sun1 , Xiao-dan Wu2 , Yuan-jiang Pan1
  • 1Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China
  • 2Center of Analysis & Measurement of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China
Further Information

Publication History

Received: June 12, 2005

Accepted: August 30, 2005

Publication Date:
05 January 2006 (online)


Three new dammar-type triterpenoid caffeates (1 - 3) were isolated from the stalks of Celastrus rosthornianus Loes. Their structures were established through various spectral studies as 3β,20(S),24(S)-trihydroxyldammar-25-ene 3-caffeate (1), 3β,20(S),24(R)-trihydroxyldammar-25-ene 3-caffeate (2) and 3β,20(S),25-trihydroxyldammar-23(Z)-ene 3-caffeate (3), respectively. The three new compounds (1 - 3) showed strong antitumor activity against the human cervical squamous carcinoma cell line with IC50 values of 6.4, 5.3 and 6.5 μg/mL, respectively. The biological analyses of 1 - 3 and their hydrolysates 1a - 3a indicated that the caffeoyl group could increase the bioactivity.


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Prof. Yuan-Jiang Pan

Department of Chemistry

Zhejiang University

Hangzhou 310027

People's Republic of China

Phone: +86-571-879-51264
