Semin Liver Dis 2005; 25(4): 392-401
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-923311
Copyright © 2005 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

Pathology of Hepatic Iron Overload

Elizabeth M. Brunt1
  • 1Professor, Department of Pathology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Saint Louis University Liver Center, Saint Louis, Missouri
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Publication History

Publication Date:
29 November 2005 (online)

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The role of liver biopsy in all chronic liver diseases continues to evolve with the emergence of new laboratory and imaging tests. However, the value of histologic examination for fibrosis, parenchymal architectural remodeling, and possible concurrent disease remains relatively unchallenged, including in patients with suspected iron overload. In addition, only histologic evaluation allows detailed analysis of cellular and acinar localization of iron. Routine use of an iron stain for all liver biopsy analysis enables detection of iron when not otherwise suspected.

The broad classifications of iron overload include parenchymal (“primary”) or reticuloendothelial (“secondary”), and mixed. These classifications, however, serve only as guidelines to differential diagnoses, as will be noted in the following review of pathology of iron overload. Ultimately, the role of the pathologist is to document cellular and acinar localization of iron and to provide a semiquantitative assessment of amount to alert the clinician to the possibility of a significant condition.

In this article, histopathologic findings in conditions of iron overload and in several forms of liver disease are discussed.