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DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-923381
Rowing Injuries
Eugene McNally1 , David Wilson1 , Stephen Seiler2Publication History
Publication Date:
29 November 2005 (online)

The sport of rowing has gained considerable momentum in recent years. It appeals to many age groups and is an endurance activity with no sudden accelerations or ballistic impact forces. It is associated with several injuries that are so typical that they are easily recognized by the enthusiast and in many cases do not require imaging. These include wrist tenosynovitis, intersection syndrome, and rib fracture. Other injuries may be the result of strenuous training programs or faulty rowing technique and include low back injuries and patellar maltracking. The etiology, biomechanics, imaging, and treatment of rowing-related disorders are discussed
Rowing - biomechanics - injury - tenosynovitis - spondylolysis - rib fracture - epicondylitis - intersection - patellar tracking
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