Since 1997 more than 1400 human and veterinary medical students have either partially or fully taken advantage of the SIH[1] student training course in classical homeopathy. This paper outlines the development, success and future potential of this training programme - one that is unique in Europe. We will demonstrate that starting homeopathic training while still studying medicine makes sense and that demand exists both from students solely wanting information as well as those wishing to complete the entire homeopathic training programme. The project has been running for seven years and all functionaries give their time on an honorary basis. The quality of the programme meets international norms regarding standards both in terms of the curriculum and the lecturers.
Key words
Homeopathy - Human and Veterinary Medical Students - Homeopathic Training Programme - Homeopathy at Universities
1 SIH - Student Initiative for Homeopathy -
2 Following the presentation of this paper at the LIGA Congress 2003 in Graz, an agreement was reached with both Austrian societies of homeopathic doctors on an integrative concept for homeopathic training. This cooperation is due to intensify in the future. The Chamber of Doctors (Ärztekammer) also agreed to recognise 150 undergraduate training hours as counting towards the Austrian Chamber of Doctor's Diploma in Homeopathy. This success has encouraged us to continue promoting the homeopathic cause in Austria.
3 “Medical Homeopathic Education in Europe - Medical Homeopathic Education Standards for ECH Allied schools”, ECH - European Committee for Homeopathy, 2001; download at
Dr. Thomas Peinbauer
Mitterfeld 16 d
A-4150 Rohrbach
SIH - StudentInnen Initiative Homöopathie
Universitätsvertretung Medizin, AKH, Ebene 6 M
Währinger Gürtel 18 - 20
A-1090 Wien