Homœopathic Links 2006; 19(3): 121-127
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-924444

© Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

The Harmful Cure Observed by Hering and Kent in Contrast to Hahnemann's Concept of Gentle Restoration of Health

U. C. Adler1 , A. T. Cesar1 , A. E. Padula1 , M. S. Adler1 , E. N. Garozzo1 , W. M. P. Galhardi1 , A. Alves1 , I. C. Souza1
  • 1Brazil
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06. September 2006 (online)


Introduction: the “laws of cure” for chronic diseases have been Hering's most significant work for generations of homeopaths. Kent endorsed Hering's laws and their ultimate progression up to skin lesions, and included “severe aggravations, revival of past symptoms and eliminations” among the expected results during the homeopathic treatment of chronic diseases. Despite the claims of Hering and Kent to be Hahnemann's followers, the cure standards established by them seem quite harmful and contrary to Hahnemann's gentle restoration of health ideal. Objectives: to ascertain if Hering and Kent based their arguments and procedures on Hahnemann's principles when inferring and observing those harmful cure standards. Methodology: Analysis of Hering's propositions in relation to his laws of cure and Kent's remarks about severe homeopathic aggravations compared to Hahnemann's writings. Conclusions: 1) Hering's “laws of cure” cannot be justified upon Hahnemann's premises, since according to Hahnemann internal and external symptoms should improve together, without a specific order of direction. The only point of convergence between Hahnemann and Hering's laws is the observation that the latest symptoms that have been added to a chronic disease are always the first to yield in an antipsoric treatment. 2) Misapplying Hahnemann's recommendations, Kent was careless with dosage; admitted as pathway to cure severe and long homeopathic aggravations, return of all past symptoms, exteriorisations and eliminations, which were considered by Hahnemann as organism defences against dose excess or incorrect prescriptions. 3) Hering and Kent did not follow Hahnemann's principles and the harmful cure they observed was probably a result of their own procedures in homeopathy, deviating from the objective of gentle restoration of health.


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  • 5 Kent J T. Lesser Writings. Correspondence of organs, and direction of cure. New Dehli; B Jain, reprint 1985-7: 273
  • 6 Kent J T. Lesser Writings. Address. New Dehli; B Jain, reprint 1985-7: 208
  • 7 Kent J T. Lesser Writings. The plane of disorder and cure. New Dehli; B Jain, reprint 1985-7: 410
  • 8 Kent J T. Lesser Writings. The Action of drugs as opposed by the Vital Force. New Dehli; B Jain, reprint 1985-7: 379
  • 9 Kent J T. Lesser Writings. Aphorisms and Precepts. New Dehli; B Jain, reprint 1985-7: 641
  • 10 Kent J T. Lesser Writings. What shall we do when the law fails. New Dehli; B Jain, reprint 1985-7: 485
  • 11 Kent J T. Lesser Writings. Observations regarding the selection of the potency. New Dehli; B Jain, reprint 1985-7: 346
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  • 22 Hahnemann S. Organon der Heilkunst: aude sapere, 5. Aufl. Leipzig, Heidelberg; Haug 1986: §45
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Ubiratan Cardinalli Adler
Amarilys de Toledo Cesar
Ana Elisa Padula
Maristela Schiabel Adler
Erika Nakabara Garozzo
Wania Maria Papille Galhardi
Abigail Alves
Izabel Cristina Souza

Homeopathy Postgraduate Programme - Jundiaí Faculty of Medicine

Av. Moema 170/52

São Paulo - SP



eMail: ubiadler@uol.com.br