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DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-940184
Rauchen erhöht den Konsum psychoaktiver Substanzen - Ergebnisse einer Repräsentativerhebung bei Schülern der 9. Klasse
Smoking in 9th Graders is Associated with Higher Alcohol and Cannabis Intake - Results from a Representative Questionnaire SurveyPublikationsverlauf
20. November 2007 (online)
Anliegen Bei Jugendlichen soll der Einfluss des Tabakrauchens auf den Konsum anderer psychoaktiver Substanzen überprüft werden. Methode Repräsentativerhebung bei 1580 Schülern der 9. Klassen aller Schularten Regensburgs. Ergebnis Die „Startdroge” der im Schnitt 15,3 Jahre alten Schüler war Nikotin vor 3 Jahren. Aktuell waren 30 % tägliche Raucher, 43 % davon Nikotinabhängig. Raucher tranken vier mal mehr Alkohol und betrieben drei mal häufiger binge drinking. 40 % der Raucher hatten Cannabiserfahrung (Nichtraucher 6 %). Schlussfolgerung Die Primärprävention des Rauchens könnte besonders wirkungsvoll den späteren Konsum anderer psychotroper Substanzen reduzieren.
Objective Cigarette smoking has been regarded as a „gateway drug” for the use of other substances. This study aimed at elucidating the differences in consumption patterns between adolescent smokers and non-smokers. Methods We surveyed a representative sample of 1580 9th graders by using a 26-item questionnaire. Results Students had a mean age of 15.3 years and had started smoking at a mean age of 12.3 years. 30 day-prevalence rate of smoking was 49.3 % and lifetime prevalence was 77.3 %. 30.8 % of all students were daily smokers (girls 28.7 %; boys 32.7 %), 43 % of them fulfilling the DSM-IV-criteria of tobacco dependence. 48 % of the smokers had at least one smoking parent compared to 31 % of non-smokers. In smokers, alcohol consumption and binge drinking were increased fourfold and threefold, respectively. Cannabis has been consumed by 40 % of smokers compared to 6 % of non-smokers. This percentage was even higher in students with a nicotine dependence. Conclusions Primary prevention of tobacco smoking in adolescence might be an effective strategy in reducing the later consumption of alcohol and cannabis.
Rauchen - Alkohol - Cannabis - Jugendalter
Key words
tobacco smoking - cannabis - alcohol - adolescence
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PD Dr. Norbert Wodarz
Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie der Universität am Bezirksklinikum Regensburg
Universitätsstraße 84
93053 Regensburg