Psychiatr Prax 2007; 34: S87-S89
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-940188
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Fahrtauglichkeit bei schizophrenen Patienten - Eine Verlaufsstudie

Driving Ability in Schizophrenic Patients - Stability and CourseElisabeth  Geiger1 , Alexander  Brunnauer1 , Gerd  Laux1
  • 1Bezirksklinikum Gabersee
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
20 November 2007 (online)


Anliegen In dieser Studie wurde der Verlauf verkehrsrelevanter Leistungsfunktionen schizophrener Patienten untersucht. Methode 15 schizophrene Patienten wurden stationär und ambulant nach sechs Monaten im Vergleich zu 10 gesunden Probanden auf ihre Fahrtauglichkeit hin überprüft. Ergebnisse Nur 20 % der Schizophrenen erreichten bei Entlassung das Leistungsniveau Gesunder. Nach sechs Monaten ergaben sich signifikante Verbesserungen, 50 % erreichten nun die Grenzwertdefinition der Begutachtungsleitlinien. Schlussfolgerungen Schizophrene Patienten scheinen sich poststationär in verkehrsrelevanten Leistungsfunktionen weiter zu stabilisieren.


Objective The aim of our study was to investigate course and stability of psychomotor functions related to car driving skills in schizophrenic patients. Method Schizophrenic inpatients (n = 15) were evaluated under steady state plasma level conditions before discharge to outpatient treatment. In order to control for practice-effects a group of healthy volunteers (n = 10) was included. The follow-up examination took place half a year later in an ambulant setting in our hospital. According to the German guidelines for road and traffic safety data were collected with a computerized test system measuring visual perception, reaction time, attention, vigilance and stress tolerance. Results Only 20 % of the schizophrenic patients before discharge to outpatient treatment showed comparable results to healthy persons. Half a year later patients showed remarkable improvements, especially in stress tolerance and reaction time; 50 % of the schizophrenic patients reached the criteria of the German guidelines for road and traffic safety. Conclusions Our observations show that despite pharmacological steady state conditions and psychopathological remission schizophrenic patients demonstrate major impairments in psychomotor and cognitive functions but show post-stationary significant improvements especially in stress tolerance and reaction time.


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  • 5 Grabe H J, Wolf T, Grätz S, Laux G. The influence of clozapine and typical neuroleptics on information processing of the central nervous system under clinical conditions in schizophrenic disorders: Implications for fitness to drive.  Neuropsychobiology. 1999;  40 196-201
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Dipl.-Psych. Elisabeth Geiger

Bezirksklinikum Gabersee, Abteilung Neuropsychologie

83512 Wasserburg/Inn
