Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2008; 56(5): 306-308
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-955952
Case Reports

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Primary Chylopericardium with Pulmonary Lymphedema

K. Miyoshi1 , T. Nakagawa1 , Y. Kokado1 , T. Matsuoka1 , K. Kameyama1 , N. Okumura1
  • 1Thoracic Surgery, Kurashiki Central Hospital, Okayama, Japan
Weitere Informationen


Received July 27, 2006

09. Juli 2008 (online)


About 100 cases of primary chylopericardium have been reported since Gloves and Effler first reported this disorder [[1]]. It is an extremely rare entity that accounts for only 3 % of all primary chylous disorders [[2]]. Many patients have symptoms of dyspnea or cough, but few have pulmonary lesions. We report a case of primary chylopericardium with pulmonary lesions that presented with interstitial opacities.


  • 1 Groves L K, Effler D B. Primary chylopericardium.  N Engl J Med. 1954;  250 520-523
  • 2 Noel A A, Gloviczki P, Bender C E, Whitley D, Stanson A W, Deschamps C. Treatment of symptomatic primary chylous disorders.  J Vasc Surg. 2001;  34 785-791
  • 3 Akamatsu H, Amano J, Sakamoto T, Suzuki A. Primary chylopericardium.  Ann Thorac Surg. 1994;  58 262-266
  • 4 Tanaka S, Tsujino T, Ito T. et al . Pulmonary involvement in primary chylopericardium.  Nippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi. 1989;  78 1771-1772
  • 5 de Winter R J, Bresser P, Romer J W, Kromhout J G, Reekers J. Idiopathic chylopericardium with bilateral pulmonary reflux of chyle.  Am Heart J. 1994;  127 936-939
  • 6 Le Pimpec-Barthes F, Badia A, Febvre M, Legman P, Riquet M. Chylous reflux into localized pulmonary lymphangiectasis.  Ann Thorac Surg. 2002;  74 575-578
  • 7 Usui N, Sakai K, Yamada T. et al . An operative case of primary chylopericardium – report of a case and review of the literature.  Kyobu Geka. 1985;  38 899-904

Dr. Kentaroh Miyoshi

Kurashiki Central Hospital
Thoracic Surgery

1-1-1 Miwa, Kurashiki



