Eight alkaloids were isolated from the bulb of Fritillaria wabuensis S. Y. Tang et S. C. Yueh (Liliaceae), which is efficacious against cough. Five of them are known and identified as imperialine (1), peimisine (2), ebeinone (3), isoverticine (4), and imperialine β-N-oxide (5), respectively. Alkaloid 5 is however, controversial. All the signals for both 1H- and 13C-NMR spectra of 5 were assigned unambigously by 2D NMR experiments, and 13C-NMR assignments previously described in the literature were revised. An X-ray structure of alkaloid 5 is presented.
Key words
2D NMR -
Fritillaria wabuensis S. Y. Tang et S. C. Yueh - Liliaceae - imperialine β-N-oxide - alkaloid -