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DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-958948
Perchloric Acid Adsorbed on Silica Gel (HClO4-SiO2) as an Inexpensive, Extremely Efficient, and Reusable Dual Catalyst System for Acetal/Ketal Formation and Their Deprotection to Aldehydes/Ketones
14. Dezember 2006 (online)

Perchloric acid adsorbed on silica gel (HClO4-SiO2) is reported as extremely efficient, inexpensive, and reusable catalyst for dual role for protection of aldehydes/ketones (with trialkyl orthoformates) as acetals/ketals and deprotection (with water-alcohol) to regenerate the carbonyl compounds in high yields at room temperature and in short times. Acetalization/ketalization of electrophilic aldehydes/ketones was carried out under solvent-free conditions. Weakly electrophilic aldehydes/ketones and aldehydes having a substituent that can coordinate with the catalyst, required the corresponding alcohol as solvent.
Key words
acetals - ketals - aldehydes - ketones - trimethyl orthoformate (TMOF) - triethyl orthoformate (TEOF) - protection/deprotection - HClO4-SiO2 - dual catalyst
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