Diosgenin and its ring-F-hydroxylated derivatives isonarthogenin {spirost-5-ene-3,27-diol {3β, 22R, 25S)} and isonuatigenin {spirost-5-ene-3,25-diol (3β, 22R, 25S)}, together with the 22,25-epoxyfurost-5-ene isomer nuatigenin {furost-5-ene-3,26-diol-22,25-epoxy (3β, 22R, 25S)}, were identified as the major steroidal sapogenins of the acid hydrolysate of an extract of leaves of Tacca leontopetaloides by IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and mass spectroscopy. A diosgenin ester was isolated which apparently arose by ring closure of a glycosylated furostene during hydrolysis.
Key words
Tacca leontopetaloides
- steroidal sapogenins - diosgenin - isonarthogenin - molluscicidal activity