Planta Med 1990; 56(6): 658
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-961314

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Topical Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Calendula officinalis Extracts

R. Della Loggia1 , H. Becker2 , O. Issac3 , A. Tubaro1
  • 1Institute of Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy, University of Trieste, I-34100 Trieste, Italy
  • 2Fachrichtung 14.3, Pharmakognise und Analytische Phytochemie, Universität des Saarlandes, D-6600 Saarbrücken, Federal Republic of Germany
  • 3D-6450 Hanau, Liesingstrße 8, Federal Republic of Germany
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08. Januar 2007 (online)