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DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1001621
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
TUR-Syndrom als postoperative Spätkomplikation
TUR-Syndrom as a Late Complication of Transurethral Resection of the Prostate - a Case ReportPublication History
Publication Date:
22 January 2008 (online)
Ein 81 jähriger Patient entwickelte im Anschluß an eine transurethrale Resektion der Prostata durch Austritt der perioperativen Blasenspülflüssigkeit in den Peritonealraum verzögert (1,5 Std. nach Beendigung der OP) ein TUR-Syndrom. Rasche Diagnosestellung und Intensivtherapie bewirkten eine vollständige Genesung des Patienten.
A 81-year-old patient developed a TUR-Syndrom gradually one and half an hour after termination of TURP. Surgery was complicated by perforation of the bladder dome at the end of TURP. Due to extravasation of the perioperative irrigating fluid intraperitoneally and intravascular resorption a TUR-Syndrom became apparent. Early diagnosis and rapid initiation of appropriate intensive care resulted in a benign postoperative course and the patient attained full recovery.