The microdialysis technique was used for following the glucose content of the extracellular subcutaneous (SC) fluid under varying blood glucose levels in rats. The glucose content in the microdialysis perfusion fluid was continuously analyzed by means of the measuring flow chamber of an ex vivo glucose monitor. In six ChBB rats blood glucose levels were varied between 40 mg/dl and 575 mg/dl by intravenous (IV) infusion of glucose and by SC injections of insulin, respectively. After a running-in period of about half an hour, the glucose content in the perfusion fluid was closely related to the blood glucose concentration (r > 0.92) up to a time period of 6 hrs. The “relative recovery” rate of glucose by the microdialysis probe in the SC tissue varied within the 6 experimental sessions. The relative recovery rate could be shown to be not dependent on the absolute blood glucose levels in the individual rat within the glucose concentration range tested.
Key words
Microdialysis - Electroenzymatic Glucosensor - Glucose Oxidase - Rats