Horm Metab Res 1991; 23(7): 318-320
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1003686
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© Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart · New York

Role of Central Beta-Adrenoceptors on Stress-Induced Prolactin Release in Rats

Maria Auxiliadora Haanwinckel1 , J. Antunes-Rodrigues1 , E. De Castro e Silva2
  • 1Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo
  • 2Department of Physiology, Health Sciences Institute, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
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Publication Date:
14 March 2008 (online)

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Adult Wistar male rats underwent immobilization stress (IS) during forty minutes. PRL secretion presented a remarkable increase after 5 minutes, and it was higher than pre-stress values during the entire duration of the experiment. The blockade of beta-1 adrenoceptors by icv injections of practolol did not modify IS-induced PRL release. IPS 339, a selective antagonist of beta-2 adrenoceptors, also injected icv, reduced PRL secretion during stress in a dose dependent fashion. The blockade of PRL secretion due to IPS 339 was reverted by a previous icv administration of salbutamol, a classical beta-2 agonist. The data presented here suggest that central beta-2 adrenoceptors activation is an important step in the control of stress-induced PRL secretion.