J Reconstr Microsurg 1989; 5(1): 31-35
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1006848

© 1989 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.

The Osteo-Musculocutaneous Musculoperitoneal Groin Flap in Head and Neck Reconstruction

H. Kärcher, B. Hellbom, H. Radner
  • University Hospital, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the Dental Clinic, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and Institute for Pathology, Graz, Austria.
Further Information

Publication History

Accepted for publication 1988

Publication Date:
08 March 2008 (online)

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The anatomy of the ascending branch of the deep circumflex iliac vessels is reported. This vasculature allows the design of a musculoperitoneal flap, not exceeding 7 cm × 14 cm, together with an osteomusculo-cutaneous groin flap. The procedure is particularly useful, if resection of an intraoral carcinoma has included such structures as bone and the outer skin of the head and neck. The flap can be harvested with or without the internal oblique muscle. Most common composite defects after resection can be replaced by an osteo-musculoperitoneal flap. Clinical applications are also described and one case report is included.