J Reconstr Microsurg 1987; 3(4): 277-279
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1006995

© 1987 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.

Laser-Assisted End-to-Side Anastomosis

Matthew R. Quigley, Julian E. Bailes, Hau C. Kwaan, Danko Vidovich, Peter Nora, Leonard J. Cerullo
  • Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery and Department of Medicine, Section of Hematology/Oncology, Northwestern University Medical School and VA Lakeside Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois
Further Information

Publication History

Accepted for publication 1987

Publication Date:
08 March 2008 (online)


The milliwatt CO2 laser was used to anastomose rat carotid arteries in an end-to-side fashion, and this technique was compared to the standard suture technique. Vessels were studied at two to six weeks. All anstomoses were patient and overall, there was a 78.6 percent rate of aneurysm formation in the laser cohort, compared with 7.1 percent with suture (p < 0.001 Fisher exact). Vessels and aneurysm histology were similar to those previously reported for the end-to-end technique.