J Reconstr Microsurg 1984; 1(2): 113-115
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1007062

© 1984 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.

The Microsurgical Assistant

Sheryl H. Gould1 , John S. Gould2
  • 1Supervisor, Microsurgical Research and Training Laboratory, The University of Alabama in Birmingham, Alabama
  • 2Professor of Surgery, Chief of the Hand Section, Division of Orthopaedics, the University of Alabama in Birmingham, Alabama
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Accepted for publication 1984

08. März 2008 (online)


The increasing indications for microsurgical reconstruction, and the expansion of the field into multiple surgical subspecialities, have led to a need to find ways to conserve operating time, promote increased surgical skill and efficiency and train and maintain an interest among capable surgeons. The trained microsurgical assistant is a solution to many of these goals and requirements. Since 1979, we have trained 15 nurses, surgeons' assistants, and operating room technicians in this capacity.