Endoscopy 1994; 26(2): 254-256
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1008955
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Management of a Persistent Pancreatic Fistula Secondary to a Ruptured Pseudocyst with Endoscopic Insertion of an Expandable Metal Stent

E. Gane, S. Fata'ar, I. Hamilton
  • Auckland Hospital, Sunderland, United Kingdom
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17. März 2008 (online)


A case of pancreatic fistula successfully managed by the endoscopic insertion of an expanding-mesh metal stent into the pancreatic duct is reported. The patient had developed a fistula following rupture of a pancreatic pseudocyst, and attempted transpapillary drainage using plastic endoprostheses had failed due to prosthesis migration. Insertion of a Strecker metal stent was followed by rapid and sustained clinical improvement and cessation of fistula drainage.