Horm Metab Res 1989; 21(7): 351-355
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1009235
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© Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart · New York

The Influence of the Duodenal Passage on Postprandial Neurotensin Release in Dogs

H. Köhler, A. Schafmayer, R. Nustede, H. Mengel
  • Abteilung Allgemeinchirurgie, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany
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Publication History



Publication Date:
14 March 2008 (online)


All types of gastric resections induce an abnormal release of gastrointestinal hormones. The missing duodenal passage seems to be the most important factor for these disturbances. In the present study we have examined the effect of exclusion and restoration of the duodenal passage on the postprandial release of neurotensin in dogs. After feeding a standard canned dog meal, exclusion of the duodenal passage by a Billroth-II-resection caused a significant increase in postprandial neurotensin release compared to the control group (peak levels 52 ± 5.6 to 29 ± 6 pg/ml preoperatively, integrated output 2132 ± 228 to 3604 ± 213 pg/ml × 150 min. p < 0.05). Reconstruction of the duodenal passage by the Biebl-Henly-Soupault-procedure tended the elevated neurotensin levels towards normal (peak levels 36 ± 4.8 pg/ml, integrated output 2448 ± 236 pg/ml × 150 min., p < 0.05). From our data we conclude that changes in intestinal transit time are responsible for the pathological increase in neurotensin release after exclusion of the duodenal passage.