Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1998; 46(6): 375-376
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1013073
Case Report

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Mediastinal Perforation and Contralateral Hemothorax by a Chest Tube

M. A. Rashid, T. Wikström, P. Örtenwall
  • Department of Vascular and Trauma Surgery, Division of Surgery, Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Östra, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden
Further Information

Publication History


Publication Date:
19 March 2008 (online)

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Tube thoracostomy is an invasive and common procedure that is often life-saving, but by no means innocuous. We describe herein a case of chest trauma in which the chest tube crossed through the mediastinum between aorta and esophagus and penetrated the contralateral pleural cavity causing mild hemo thorax. A literature search has failed to identify a similar case: the misplacement was detected in a control radiograph which led to early adjustment of the tube and no sequalae.