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Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1985; 33(6): 344-346
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1014164
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1014164
Endoscopic Treatment of Bronchus Stump Fistulae following Pneumonectomy with Fibrin Sealant in Domestic Pigs
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19. März 2008 (online)
Occlusion of the transected bronchus after pneumonectomy was achieved by transthoracic fibrin sealing in 14 domestic pigs. In 9 additional animals standardized bronchus stump fistulae could also be closed with fibrin sealant which was applied through a flexible bronchoscope. An average of 1 ml of fibrin sealant cdntaining 500 units of thrombin and 3500 units of Aprotinin was necessary to achieve bronchial closure and to prevent early dissolution of the sealant. Endoscopic closure of a bronchus fistula by fibrin plug was successfully employed in one clinical case.
Key words
Bronchial stump fistula - Pneumonectomy - Endoscopic treatment - Fibrin sealant