Developing and comparing different types of modified electrocoagulation systems the monopolar electro-hydro-thermo-probe (EHT) and the bipolar probe (BICAP) proved the most effective electrocoagulation methods of controlling gastrointestinal bleeding.
Application of our EHT-probe in 64 patients with acute GI-bleeding (27 Forrest la, 37 Forrest Ib) led to successful haemostasis in 59 (92 %) patients and a recurrent bleeding rate of 6 (10 %) cases, with no complications being seen.
In primary haemostasis, with safety and efficiency comparable with that of BICAP coagulation, the re-bleeding rate is - owing to the deeper coagulation - less using the EHT-probe.
Key words:
Different types of electrocoagulators - Gastrointestinal bleeding - Electro-Hydro-Thermo-Probe - Monopolar and bipolar Probe