Int J Sports Med 1992; 13: S193-S196
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1024637
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Mountain Frostbite

Current Trends in Prognosis and Treatment (from Results Concerning 1261 Cases)J. Foray
  • Hôpital de Chamonix, Chamonix, France
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14. März 2008 (online)


From an experience of a large number (1261) of cases of mountain frostbite, an attempt is made to explain its pathophysiological mechanisms and describe the different modalities which to now allow early prognosis to be made. Laser-Doppler, microwave thermography, nuclear magnetic resonance (31P spectroscopy) and bone scintigraphy (technetium 99) are some of the investigations which deserve a special attention. Treatment is discussed, which still appears to be limited to saving viable tissue, especially for severe frostbite lesions, the only ones which pose problems. Rapid rewarming is a keystone of therapy. The role of haemodilution, vasodilators, sympathetic blockade and surgery is also discussed.