Int J Sports Med 1989; 10(3): 165-168
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1024894
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Comparison of Maximum Aerobic Power, Maximum Anaerobic Power, and Skinfold Thickness of Elite and Nonelite Junior Wrestlers*

C. A. Horswill2 , J. R. Scott1 , P. Galea3
  • 1Grand Valley State University (site of investigation)
  • 2Ball State University
  • 3American Infowell
* Supported in part by a Scientific Services grant from the US Olympic Committee.
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Publication History

Publication Date:
14 March 2008 (online)

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The purpose of this investigation was to identify physiologic differences between elite high school-age wrestlers and nonelite wrestlers of comparable age, weight, and training experience. Two groups of junior wrestler, elite (n = 18) and nonelite (n = 18) were measured for maximum aerobic power (treadmill run), maximum anaerobic power of the arms and legs (Wingate test), and skinfold thickness. On the average (±SE) elite juniors had a V̇O2max of 52.6±2.0 ml/kg·min-1, 376±20 W for arm power, and 540±25 W for leg power. The nonelite group had a V̇O2max of 51.5±1.4 ml/kg·min-1 and 331±22 W and 467±29 W for arm and leg power, respectively. Ttests were computed to identify differences between the groups. The results revealed significant differences in four skinfold thicknesses, absolute anaerobic leg power, and relative anaerobic power of arms and legs. It was concluded that relative maximum anaerobic power is distinctly greater in elite high school wrestlers than less successful peers. In light of the results, it may be of benefit for wrestlers of lower caliber to decrease body fat, increase fat-free weight, and increase total body power through training.