Int J Sports Med 1989; 10(6): 462
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1024945

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Hydroxylysine Excretion Does Not Indicate Collagen Damage with Downhill Running in Young Men

M. R. Wheat, S. L. McCoy, E. D. Barton, B. M. Starcher, J. A. Schwane
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14. März 2008 (online)

Int. J. Sports Med. 10(1989) 155-160

Please note the following corrections, omissions of segments of text by the publisher.

Point C in the first paragraph of the section titled “Experimental Procedures. Exercise.” (bottom of p. 156, col. 1) should read “(c) to provide a relatively large metabolic stress to the locomotory muscles, additional to the stress of the downhill running.” (Omitted segment cursive)

Lines 8-14 of Paragraph 3 of the Discussion (p. 158, col. 2) should read “For example, there was never a distinct post-exercise increase in HO-Pro excretion in Abraham's experimental subjects (i. e., subjects who experienced post-exercise delayed muscle soreness). The dfference in post-exercise excretion between the experimental and control subjects (i. e., those who did not experience soreness) appears to have been due at least as much to decreased values in controls as to increased values in experimental subjects (1, Fig. 3).” (Omitted segment cursive)