Int J Sports Med 2007; 28(11): 934-939
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-964972
Training & Testing

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Time at V·O2max during Intermittent Treadmill Running: Test Protocol Dependent or Methodological Artefact?

A. W. Midgley1 , L. R. McNaughton1 , S. Carroll1
  • 1Department of Sport, Health and Exercise Science, University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom
Further Information

Publication History

accepted after revision October 23, 2006

Publication Date:
11 May 2007 (online)


Effects of methodological differences on the determination of time at V·O2max (tV·O2max ) during intermittent treadmill running were investigated. Subjects performed three incremental tests to volitional exhaustion: a continuous protocol with 1-min stages (Cont-INC[1-min]), and two discontinuous protocols of 2-min (Dis-INC[2-min]) and 3-min (Dis-INC[3-min]) stage durations. For each test, V·O2max and the running velocity associated with V·O2max (vV·O2max) were determined. On a fourth visit, subjects performed an intermittent test with 30-s work and relief intervals run at 105 % and 60 %, respectively, of the vV·O2max determined during Cont-INC(1-min). The tV·O2max during the intermittent test was determined using three different criteria: V·O2 data points ≥ 100 % V·O2max determined in Cont-INC(1-min) (tV·O2max[100 %]), ≥ 95 % V·O2max (tV·O2max[95 %]) and ≥ V·O2max minus 2.1 ml · kg-1 · min-1 (tV·O2max[- 2.1]). The V·O2max means (SD) for Cont-INC(1-min), Dis-INC(2-min) and Dis-INC(3-min) were 4093 (538), 4096 (516), and 3980 (488) mL · min-1, respectively. The tV·O2max means (SD) were: tV·O2max(100 %) 163 (227) s, tV·O2max(95 %) 418 (439) s, and tV·O2max(- 2.1) 358 (395) s. All differences in tV·O2max were significantly different (p < 0.05). Differences in tV·O2max due to using V·O2max values derived from using different V·O2 time-averages were significantly different (p < 0.05). Methodological differences should be considered during interpretation of previous studies.


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Dr. PhD Adrian Wayne Midgley

Department of Sport, Health, and Exercise Science
University of Hull

HU6 7RX Hull

United Kingdom

Fax: + 44 14 82 46 51 49
