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DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-965129
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Benefits of Exercise Training in Spanish Prison Inmates
Publication History
accepted after revision January 25, 2007
Publication Date:
01 June 2007 (online)
Prison populations are growing in Western countries. Imprisoned people usually have a poor health status and an increased risk to suffer chronic debilitating conditions as coinfection with the HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) and/or opioid dependency. We studied the effects of a 4-month concurrent cardiorespiratory and resistance training program on the cardiorespiratory fitness, lower and upper body dynamic strength endurance (6-RM test for bench press and knee-extensor exercise, respectively), muscle mass and quality of life (QOL) of adult prison inmates who are HIV/HVC co-infected and enrolled in a methadone maintenance program (n = 9; mean [SD] age: 37 [3] yrs). We also evaluated a control group (n = 10; 37 [2] yrs). A significant combined effect of group and time was found for peak completed workload (W) (p < 0.01), peak heart rate (HRpeak) (p < 0.05) and rate of HR decrease at 1-min postexercise compared to HRpeak (p < 0.05), respectively, in a gradual cycle ergometer test. A significant combined effect of group and time was also found for both bench press and knee-extensor 6-RM tests, respectively (p < 0.05). Supervised exercise training can improve the overall physical fitness of incarcerated people. Our results suggest that this type of intervention could be applied in prisons of Western societies.
Key words
methadone - HIV - hepatitis C - quality of life
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Prof. Alejandro Lucia
Exercise Physiology
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Villaviciosa de Odón
28670 Madrid
Phone: + 34 916 64 78 00
Fax: + 34 916 16 82 56