Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2007; 115(2): 139-142
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-967091
Case Report
© J. A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG · Stuttgart · New York

The Use of i. v. Bisphosphonate in Pregnancy-Associated Osteoporosis - Case Study

L. Hellmeyer 1 , M. Kühnert 1 , V. Ziller 2 , S. Schmidt 1 , P. Hadji 2
  • 1Department of Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine, Philipps-University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany
  • 2Department of Endocrinology, Osteoporosis and Reproductive Medicine, Clinic for Gynecology and Oncology, Philipps-University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany
Further Information

Publication History

received 20. 12. 2005 first decision 29. 05. 2006

accepted 2. 06. 2006

Publication Date:
22 February 2007 (online)


Objective: Diagnosis of pregnancy-associated osteoporosis is often delayed and therapeutic interventions insufficient.

Study design: A 28-year-old patient (BMI=18.6) with no additional risks for osteoporosis experienced acute lumbosacral pain two months postpartum, while lactating. After conservative therapy, thoracic and lumbar spine were X-rayed: severe pregnancy-associated osteoporosis with vertebral fractures was diagnosed. 2-year treatment with i. v. bisphosphonate ibandronate was initiated (2 mg every 3 months) and calcium and vitamin D supplementation.

Results: Rapid improvement was observed. Conclusion: In cases with multiple fractures i. v. bisphosphonate leads to substantial decrease of symptoms and further fractures and significant increase of bone mass density (BMD).

Conclusion: In severe cases of pregnancy-associated osteoporosis with multiple fractures i. v. biphosphonate therapy leads to a decrease of symptoms and fracture risk and an increase of bone mass density (BMD).


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L. Hellmeyer

Department of Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine

Philipps-University of Marburg

Pilgrimstein 3

35037 Marburg


Phone: +49/642/12 86 44 04

Fax: +49/642/12 86 45 43

Email: hellmeye@med.uni-marburg.de