Planta Med 1984; 50(5): 394-397
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-969747
Research Articles

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Aspects on the Biosynthesis of the Cyanogenic Glucoside Triglochinin in Triglochin maritima 1

Adolf Nahrstedt2 , Jens-Dieter Kant2 , Wolfgang Hösel3
  • 2Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie der Technischen Universitat, Mendelssohnstr. 1, D-3300 Braunschweig
  • 3Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, Davis, Ca. 95616, USA
1 Dedicated to Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. R. Hegnauer on the occasion of his 65 birthday. This work is part of the Ph. D. thesis of J.-D. Kant
Further Information

Publication History



Publication Date:
26 February 2007 (online)


The incorporation of L-[U-14C]phenylalanine, L-[U-14C]tyrosine and [U-14C]4-hydroxyphenylacetonitrile into triglochinin and taxiphyllin, the latter a possible precursor of the former, was studied in seedlings of Triglochin maritima L. The nitrile was by far the best substrate; incorporation of the amino acids was poor. Environmental factors such as light and humidity act differently on production of both compounds which also show a wide variation in individual seedlings. Quantitative evaluation of the specific activities indicate that taxiphyllin cannot be regarded as a precursor of triglochinin and that the two compounds are probably synthesized by two, at least mainly independent, pathways.