Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2007; 115(3): 175-178
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-970411
Review Article

© J. A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG · Stuttgart · New York

Insights into the Molecular Biology of Adrenocortical Tumors

L. Groussin 1 , J. Bertherat 1 , C. Gicquel 1 , Y. le Bouc 1 , X. Bertagna 1
  • 1Clinique des Maladies Endocriniennes et Métaboliques, and Endocrinology Department, Institut Cochin Faculté de Médecine René and Laboratoire d'Explorations Fonctionnelles Trousseau, and the COMETE network, Paris, France
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received 15. 8. 2005 first decision 27. 11. 2006

accepted 22. 1. 2007

11. April 2007 (online)


Adrenocortical tumors are rare tumors which can cause morbidity secondary to hypersecretion (i. e. Cushing's syndrome in adrenocortical adenoma or carcinoma, mineralocorticoid excess in Conn's adenoma) or to their oncogenic growth and metastases.

In the recent years progress has been made in our understanding of the pathophysiology of these endocrine tumors ([Latronico and Chrousos, 1997]; [Bornstein et al., 1999]; [Reincke et al., 2000]; [Bertherat et al., 2002]). Some molecular mechanisms of hormone hypersecretion or growth of adrenocortical tumors have been unraveled this last decade and offer new support to our understanding of adrenocortical tumor development. In particular, studies of familial forms of adrenocortical tumors have given us new insight in the genetics of these tumors. Some of these advances have already lead to new therapeutical or diagnostic approaches.

We will not provide here an extensive review of all studies that have been performed in adrenocortical tumors; we will rather focus on some aspects that are thought to be of major interest.


  • 1 Allolio B, Hahner S, Weismann D, Fassnacht M. Management of adrenocortical carcinoma.  Clin Endocrinol. 2004;  60 273-287
  • 2 Bertherat J. Protein kinase A in Carney Complex: a new example of cAMP pathway alteration in endocrine tumors.  Eur J Endocrinol. 2001;  144 209-211
  • 3 Bertherat J, Gicquel C, Le Bouc Y, Bertagna X. Molecular genetics of adrenal tumours. In: John AH Wass and Stephen M Shalet, (eds) Oxford textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2002: 831-842
  • 4 Bertherat J, Groussin L, Sandrini F, Matyakhina L, Bei T, Stergiopoulos S, Papageorgiou T, Bourdeau I, Kirschner LS, Vincent-Dejean C, Perlemoine K, Gicquel C, Bertagna X, Stratakis CA. Molecular and functional analysis of PRKAR1A and its locus (17q22-24) in sporadic adrenocortical tumors: 17q losses, somatic mutations, and protein kinase A expression and activity.  Cancer Res. 2003;  63 5308-5319
  • 5 Bertherat J, Contesse V, Louiset E, Barrande G, Duparc C, Groussin L, Emy P, Bertagna X, Kuhn JM, Vaudry H, Lefebvre H. In vivo and in vitro screening for illegitimate receptors in AIMAH causing Cushing's syndrome: identification of two cases of gonadotropin/GIP-dependent hypercortisolism.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;  90 1302-1310
  • 6 Beuschlein F, Reincke M, Karl M, Travis WD, Jaursch-Hancke C, Abdelhamid S, Chrousos GP, Allolio B. Clonal composition of human adrenocortical neoplasms.  Cancer Res. 1994;  54 4927-4932
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  • 9 De Fraipont F, El Atifi M, Le Moigne G, Defaye G, Houlgatte R, Bertherat J, Bertagna X, Plouin PF, Baudin E, Berger F, Gicquel C, Chabre O, Feige JJ. Gene expression profiling of human adrenocortical tumors using complementary cDNA micro-arrays identifies several candidate genes as markers of malignancy.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;  90 1819-1829
  • 10 Gicquel C, Leblond-Francillard M, Bertagna X, Louvel A, Chapuis Y, Luton JP, Girard F, Le Bouc Y. Clonal analysis of human adrenocortical carcinomas and secreting-adenomas.  Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 1994;  40 465-477
  • 11 Gicquel C, Raffin-Sanson ML, Gaston V, Bertagna X, Plouin PF, Schlumberger M, Louvel A, Luton JP, Le Bouc Y. Structural and functional abnormalities at 11p15 are associated with the malignant phenotype in sporadic adrenocortical tumors. Study on a series of 82 tumors.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997;  87 2559-2565
  • 12 Gicquel C, Bertagna X, Gaston V, Coste J, Louvel A, Baudin E, Bertherat J, Chapuis Y, Duclos JM, Schlumberger M, Plouin PF, Luton JP, Le Bouc Y. Molecular markers and long-term recurrences in a large cohort of patients with sporadic adrenocortical tumors.  Cancer Res. 2001;  61 6762-6767
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  • 14 Groussin L, Kirschner LS, Vincent-Dejean C, Perlemoine K, Jullian E, Delemer B, Zacharieva S, Pignatelli D, Carney JA, Luton JP, Bertagna X, Stratakis CA, Bertherat J. Molecular analysis of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) regulatory subunit 1A (PRKAR1A) gene in patients with Carney complex and primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD) reveals novel mutations and clues for pathophysiology: augmented PKA signaling is associated with adrenal tumorigenesis in PPNAD.  Am J Hum Genet. 2002;  71 1433-1442
  • 15 Groussin L, Jullian E, Perlemoine K, Louvel A, Leheup B, Luton JP, Bertagna X, Bertherat J. Mutations of the PRKAR1A gene in Cushing's syndrome due to sporadic primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002;  87 4324-4329
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X. Bertagna

Clinique des Maladies

Endocriniennes et Métaboliques

Hôpital Cochin

27 rue du Fg-St-Jacques

75014 Paris


Telefon: +33/1/58 41 17 90

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eMail: xavier.bertagna@cch.aphp.fr