Planta Medica, Inhaltsverzeichnis Planta Med 1982; 44(3): 166-167DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-971431 Research Articles © Hippokrates Verlag Stuttgart A New Commercial Strain of Ergot Adapted from a Wild Grass K. K. Janardhanan, M. L. Gupta, Akhtar Husain Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Faridinagar, Kukrail, Lucknow, India Artikel empfehlen Abstract als PDF herunterladen Artikel einzeln kaufen Abstract A strain of Claviceps purpurea (FR.) TUL. isolated from Arthraxon lancifolius HOCHST. was successfully adapted on rye. Experimental cultivation on rye showed 370 kg/ha yield of sclerotia containing 0.5% total alkaloid which consisted of 33% ergometrine, 17.6% ergotamine, 18.7% ergocornine and 22.7% ergokryptine. The results also reveal that alkaloid profile of the ergot strain depends largely on its host. Significantly high yield of the sclerotia and the valuable alkaloid profile of the new strain indicate its commercial potential. Key Word Index Claviceps purpurea - Arthraxon lancifolius - Ergot alkaloids - Ergokryptine - Ergometrine - Rye PDF (149 kb)